Frequently Asked Questions

If you don’t see the answer to your question fill out the form below and we will answer as soon as possible!

What grade levels does Discovery Virtual School offer?

Discovery Virtual School serves student in grades Kindergarten through 12th Grade.

Is my student eligible to enroll?

All students in the State of Washington are eligible to apply to Discovery Virtual School. A Choice Transfer Request must be submitted as part of the enrollment process. If this is your first time requesting a Choice Transfer, our enrollment specialists can help!

Can students enroll at any time during the year?

Discovery Virtual School allows for open enrollment. Schedule a call with our enrollment team to discuss your situation.

Are there any additional fees or costs?

No, Discovery Virtual School is a tuition-free public school. You will receive materials, books, and other curricular supplies as needed.

What are the qualifications and experience of the teachers?

Discovery Virtual School teachers are highly qualified and Washington state certified. Most have been teaching online for years, and they understand the proactive role required for success in online education.

What if my child has an IEP or 504 plan?

Discovery Virtual School can be a placement option for special education students. Schedule a call today to further discuss your situation and options available.

Can my child work at their own pace?

Students have flexibility in their pacing, but must remain on track with their course calendar and maintain at least weekly communication with their teachers.

How is my child supported?

Students are provided with a Success Coach that works directly with them and their learning coaches to build out their student learning plans. Teachers also work closely with students and offer office hours for additional support.

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tuition free online school

Tuition Free

Discovery Virtual has no fees

k-12 education


Get 1 on 1 feedback routinely

qualified teachers

Small School

No getting lost in the shuffle

school community


Nobody gets left out, grow together

Didn’t find your answer?

Reach out and one of our team members will be happy to assist!

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Student Details(Required)
First Name
Last Name